Thursday, November 5, 2009


"Remember, remember
The fifth of November"

Today is Guy Fawke's Day. Personally, I have no attachments to this day nor did I know what it was about until a couple of years ago (I'm still not really sure).
But my fascination with this day and that rhyme comes from the movie V for Vendetta. One of my favorites.
When will I have time to go re-watch movies I love?

All this school stuff needs to end soon!


  1. all I remember about Guy Fawkes is from a passage that we read in school, about how a scare crow type figure of Guy Fawkes is made and burned along with lots of fireworks

  2. omg other people :|

  3. Mayya..I don't even know that much. I forget what the movie had to say about him. All I know is its been far too long since I saw V for Vendetta and its predictions on the future of our society are becoming reality by the day yup!
