Sunday, December 6, 2009

I think it's the stress talking...

Sometimes I wonder if it'd just be easier to get hitched.

Single-dom is fun...although, I've never known anything but. But I have a pretty good idea it is much more hassle-free.

But sometimes, you see other people or hear stories, of all the lovey-dovey-ness of the dating/committed/married and think to yourself, I want that...and preferably now.

I guess, it just seems easier, somehow. A very crucial part of your life figured out.

Of course, guarantees come with nothing in it may or may not last or it may not be all you hoped but you stick it out anyway.

But it still seems a lot easier, or more so, there's a hope that it might bring with it a peace of mind that is currently not present.

I know, the grass is always greener on the other side.

A colleague of mine who had been dating a guy for a couple of years I think, once asked me if I was single or not. I said I was. She replied, "That's good, you're lucky. Enjoy being single. Relationships come with added responsibilities, an extra person to include in your decision-making or plans and is just a bit of a hassle."
Clearly, she seems to be in an unhappy relationship, but I don't think she was. She was just being honest.  I get what she was saying. It is added stress.

If you're Muslim or even desi, you usually give up single-dom with marriage (and by single-dom, in this case, I mean, living without the other person). Marriage brings about not only a whole other person to deal with, but a whole other family! I'm definitely part of the crowd that thinks that marriages are between two families,  not just two individuals. I'm not saying that family interference in the couple's relationship affairs are fair-game but each of you has to adjust to the family of the other person. There's an extra set of people to keep in-touch with. An extra set of people to visit. An extra set of people to add to your Facebook limited profile (just kididng) An extra set of people you have to be extra-nice to too. Plus, if you marry someone whose family values are totally different from yours, then that is even more to deal with than the already huge burden of dealing with living with a whole new, ready-made person with their own beliefs, values, ideals and mannerisms.

It's not easy. Relationships or single-dom. Each has it's shortcomings. But I guess I feel that my life would be easier in a relationship. Of course, then I think about all the added baggage I'd have to deal with and stick to single-dom, at least, until school's over. But the peace of mind, of knowing who you want to spend the rest of your life with, that's priceless. I would love to have that. To have that part of my life figured out with all the uncertainty that surrounds life anyway. But then that opens the whole can of worms of what I'm actually looking for and how will I know this person is the one. Do I even know what I want? or what I'm looking for? I mean, I've not even had a 'Mr. Maybe' this far...or a Mr. Anything. It's all just so complicated.

I've heard the two sides, marry your best friend or marry someone you kinda know and figure life out together. I still don't know which approach I'd prefer. I always think I'd prefer the best friend approach but I don't know. It doesn't really matter in the end. You may be mentally compatible and physically attracted to someone, but the little quirks that you discover while living with them might irk you to no end. Or you may not know someone that well and they'd turn out to be totally cool to live with and adjust to. That's the thing though. There is no right answer, there is no clear path. It's all so ambiguous, so hazy. The haziness kills me. I can't stand it. Uncertainty is just sucky. It breeds such unproductiveness, laziness and restlessness in me, I don't like it.

I think its the stress of the finals talking. For some reason, girls like to have conversations like these under stressful situations, to stress themselves out further. It's amazing that women still out-live men with all this pressure we put on ourselves.

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