Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I want to graduate NOW!

I've been in school faaaarrrr tooooooo looonnngggg. The end is nowhere in sight.

I come from a family of nerds but God, I hate school!!!!! My mother does not know what to do with herself if she doesn't have any studying to do. She has no expertise in passing time idly. I possess these expertise but I have no time! Ironic, right? Ya, life's a bitch...what can you do?

I just want to graduate and get the hell outta this school and this city! Seriously, I'm bored!
Degrees are 4-years for a reason...then they get BORING! My degree is 6 years long....this semester and a year and a half to go. Much much much too long!

I should have graduated in May this year. I wish I did! But on the flipside, if I would have graduated in my initial choice of program this year, I would have NEVER found a job! At least, I will *iA iA iA* have a secure, financially stable career once I graduate. Only positive. But at this point in time, even that doesn't cheer me up.


On another note, WTF is going on in Pakistan?! I am seriously worried!!! I mean, bombing universities now? WHY WHY WHY!? Cause a guy and a girl were seen together....ssooooo???
The Afghani/Pathan types who are most likely behind these bombings are the dirtiest of men...they stare soooo much, at EVERY girl/woman passing by, for NO reason and yet, this is wrong. I HATE the hypocrisy of it all!  I wonder if the two were even a couple or not.

Also, the sacrificing of others education because of these bombings, what kind of country is this? It is RIDICULOUS that people need to be scared to go get an education. Didn't Allah mian tell us to gain knowledge even if we had to go to China to do so? (Because in olden days, China was considered really far from Saudi Arabia...not because Muslims have something against the Chinese lol) That oft-quoted statement is ignored while some completely extremist interpretation of some verse that probably doesn't even come close to delivering the sentiments of the interpretation is given precedence? (I don't quite remember what verse the extremists refer to...but I'm sure their interpretation is off by miles)

Extremists piss me off! Taliban pisses me off! Anything hindering people's education and pursuit for knowledge pisses me off!

BUT, despite my pro-education stance, I still want to graduate NOW! :(

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