Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's that time of the semester again...

Every semester there comes a point in time where I stop giving a f***. Seriously, I don't care anymore. I start waking up late, getting ready in a casual manner, and missing a bus or two after the one that gets me there right on time. I don't care if I miss the first half hour of a 2-hr or 1.5-hr class. It doesn't mean much to me. I don't even care that at some point, I'll be too embarrassed to ask for missed notes...I don't want them either. We're mostly tested straight off the handout material and even that we usually end up teaching ourselves.

Which leads me to the hell that is my faculty. I hate my faculty...actually, abhorr's a better word. I ABHOR it. They have control over everything...all our classes, schedules, times, everything is picked for us...we don't get to choose anything...because we're a professional program. YET, they can't manage to keep it all organized and somewhat coherent. I swear to God, half the time we have no idea what lecture we have that day or what room its in. A week or so ago, we had NO CLUE where the final for one of our classes was...we all just picked the usual location(although, another class was scheduled to write their midterm in the same room) but since our Professor has the most pull in the faculty, he won the room. OMG...he was an AWFUL professor. These professors don't even have to teach, they just have to co-ordinate the course, i.e. pick experts from each topic needed to be covered and schedule them into the course time. He was unable to do that. So many classes were cancelled.. last many classes were interchanged...again, last minute. He had no clue what was going on...he just told his TA's to look after it all...who I am 100% sure had very little guidance from him.

Enough about bad professors, although he is the worst, moving onto retarded modules. What is with the module system anyway? Teaching 11 hours of one class/week for 4 weeks and expecting us to keep up and actually do well on the final which is a day after the last class? HOW HOW HOW?! I can't do it anymore. I also don't retain jack-shit. How can I? I'm only human. I also have another 6 hours/week class which is not an easy one (and its full-semester to boot) and a 3-hour/week gay gay gay class (for people who are unfamiliar with how college works, usually each course is 3 hours/week for an entire semester, ie 3 months). I personally don't hate the 3-hour class so much but it does get boring. And I'd love to take it with a little more freedom on how things are done. Piling on random shit like reflection notes (on what we learned in class; don't even think anyone reads what we write) and random assignments that no one understands what to do with, what is up with that?

So after taking all this crap from a faculty I care NOTHING about...I just stop giving a damn. Everything I learn, I learn at work anyway. That's what I need to know too. I'm in Pharmacy and technically, I should know ALL ABOUT DRUGS. That's what I thought I'd be taught and tested on...but NOOOOO. We're tested on random crap about Anatomy, Physio and even how to write a thank-you letter but NOT more than 3 questions on drugs. And God knows, I only care about the drugs. See what I mean? Why even bother? I study what I think is practical and applicable to real life practice. Being in a professional program, I don't need to care about my grades either (and trust me, I don't care) I just need to coast through, a little above average to satisfy my nerdiness and I'm fine. I am *alhumdolillah* competent and getting better by the day at my job. And that's what matters anyway. What the patients think is all that matters..if I keep getting more patients, I'll make more money so it doesn't matter how I write a thank-you letter, because people don't want to know that. They want to know how to take their medication and whether or not it will interact with their other medications and most importantly, when they'll get better. That's all anyone cares about most And I'm here to make them healthy. Not teach them the anatomy and physiology or letter-writing skills my faculty seems to focus on.

So yes, I don't care anymore. I need a change of scenery. I get so bored of school and this Godforesaken shit-hole place I live in..that I just want out! Even for two days!
I need to get my ass to America. I haven't been out of the country in a year now...and I always go somewhere in the summer...but didn't get a chance to this time.
I NEED to go somewhere in winter break. It's imperative.

Anyways, maybe I should study. I feel like studying something I have an exam for in two weeks as opposed to the midterm and final I have next week. The midterm is tres boring material. And mostly common sense. But I hear it's hard. *sigh* why?

I just want to graduate, start making money, buy my hot hot car (Infiniti G-37 or a used Mercedes SLK?) and Chanel purses. I'll be honest, I care about the patients, but I'm in it for the comfortable career-life and money. I just want to make enough money to sustain myself comfortably.

When will this semester end?!

P.S. If you're still confused about how the courses in my faculty work and how everything runs, don't're not alone, I don't get it either
P.P.S Excuse the mild profanity, I'm a bit p-o'd at my state of affairs and lack of determination to study


  1. this was not profane at all man. But i'm loving the long post! Also do not go for a mercedes,. Infiniti is a way better option trust me. merc's are overrated beyond belief, you should know this!
