Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thank you Meera

For entertaining the masses, providing comic relief to stressed out students and generally being yourself.

I've enjoyed watching your recent shenanigans. They do help keep me sane while doing all this studying and stuff. They also help the people of Pakistan escape from their fear-ridden, unpredictable lives into your hilarious existence.

P.S. Tapu Javeri's attempt at controlling his laughter, while texting someone, undoubtedly, about Meera's shenanigans was entertaining. In the end, he did give up though..and even tried to correct the poor woman. She just can't be helped. Bechari


  1. Someone asked meera how she was feeling after a long international flight, she answered in her typical filmi accent
    "mujhey baree hijacked feeling ho rahi hai"
    I presume by hijack she meant jetlagged

  2. hahaha there are so many fantastic Meera stories. I heard she went to Aitchison for school and she eats at M.C. Donalds.
    She also had jetlag travelling on the motorway from Lahore to Isloo by car.
    I lowe this woman! <3
